I would like to understand why, when we have a birthday and change our number, our “wires get crossed,” and we systematically enter into days that we could define as unfriendly to our “inner self.” An intense rage takes over reason, invading our entire person, and we melancholy reflect on what we have been, without giving respite to the possibilities that await us in the future.
That change of 30, 40, 50,... is perceived in our mind as "there is no turning back", and as if it were an automatism, it simply saddens us.
Normally the mind controls the body. You can check it by recording your physical reactions to a gratifying event: you will see how you generate an immense chemical reaction with “butterflies in the stomach” and thus also record them when faced with something that disturbs you, with anxiety and pressure in the chest... You will also notice the differences in the tone muscular.
So it is advisable to brighten your mood, concentrating your thoughts on those memories, or gratifying thoughts, and your body will receive the stimulus….
It is wise to be grateful for each day that passes, we can give thanks for being alive and healthy, and above all to be able to tell it, always think about those who have never reached your age, and you will realize how lucky you are.
Happiness is a matter of perspective and is connected to childhood experiences, the ability to adapt to the environment, the way of relating and the recognition of moods. It does not respond to a formula common to all, or all of them.
There are physical, energetic, mental, creative, and temporal reasons for the pleasurable moment to occur. In short, to be happy is to be wise.
You are not a perfect model created by advertising, but a woman or a man, more or less indecisive, with a feeling of guilt at times, fallible or mundane at others. You can make mistakes, lose control and you can doubt, of course, what you do.
There are many men and women who, upon reaching the age of forty or fifty, realize what is missing from their lives. Each one of them is different and unique, with their needs, their desires, and their search. Therefore it is important to draw your own itinerary.
Wise words from Seneca: “when you think about the those who are ahead of you, look at those who are behind you.”
He expresses out loud the feelings that bother you, at the right time and in the appropriate way. This way resentment will not enter your emotional register.
Accept human nature as it is, try to be tolerant of your own imperfections, and take mistakes as mere learning.
Giving yourself permission to continue being you, even with those changes that time inexorably provides, will help you discover yourself to discover how you can enjoy all the aspects of your being in the world.
María Dolores Águila González, anthropologist and together with Josep…. our first clients 🙂